sábado, agosto 29, 2009

Can we go now?

E porque ando sedenta de férias para descansar, aqui fica a minha "pequena" lista de destinos...

- Riviera Maya
- Curaçao
- Mauricias
- Maldivas
- Nova York
- Miami
- Malta
- Kos
- Zanzibar
- Phuket
- Egipto

... Estes são os que me ocorrem assim de repente, em cima do joelho...Enquanto não me sai o Euromilhões...vou sonhando...

quarta-feira, agosto 26, 2009

Bocadinhos em que me encaixo na perfeição

I was thinking...for me it's better I don't romanticize things as much anymore. I was suffering so much all the time. I still have lots of dreams, but they're not in regard to my love life. (Cut to interior of the car.) It doesn't make me sad, it's just the way it is.
It's a disaster... I mean I'm really happy only when I'm on my own. Even being alone...it's better than...sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely. It's not so easy for me to be all romantic. You start off that way and after you've been screwed over a few times...you...you…you forget about all your delusional ideas and you just take what comes into your life. That's not even true I haven't been...screwed over, I've just had too many blah relationships. They weren't mean, they cared for me, but... there were no real...connection or excitement. At least not from my side.
It reminded me how genuinely romantic I was, how I had so much hope in things, and now it's like...I don't believe in anything that relates to love. I don't feel things for people anymore. In a way...I put all my romanticism into that one night, and I was never able to feel all this again. Like...somehow this night took things away from me and...I expressed them to you, and you took them with you! It made me feel cold, like if love wasn't for me!
But it's my fault, I know it's my fault, because...I never felt it was the right man. Never! But what does it mean the right man? The love of your life? The concept is absurd; the idea that we can only be complete with another person is...EVIL!! RIGHT??!!
You know, I guess I've been heartbroken too many times. And then I recovered. So now, you know, from the starts I make no effort…because I know it’s not going to work out, I know it’s not going to work out.
There's been so much water under the bridge, it's...it's not even about you anymore, it's about that time, that moment in time that is forever gone, I don't know!

(Before sunset)

quarta-feira, agosto 05, 2009

Há um mês que não meto aqui os pés... nem venho aqui dar o ar a minha graça (se bem que ultimamente não ando com muita graça mas pronto...)
Ora bem... fui de férias (YEEEAAAAHHHH)....mas com um pequeno senão....voltei ainda mais cansada do que fui! Pois é verdade!!! Andei pela Europa fora (de carro) e quando digo Europa fora leia-se Eslovénia, Croácia, Sérvia, Bósnia....por aí.... todas as noites andar a carregar sacos....como diria o Pedro Abrunhosa "tantos quartos de hotel.."
Chegada a casa e senti que precisava de uma semana esparramada praí algures, fosse Portugal, Espanha ou do outro lado do Oceano Atlântico... ou num chalé numa montanha a ouvir os passarinhos e o Cuco....e o vento a bater nos pinheiros...e descansaaaaar!
E como é obvio, ao fim das férias, voltei ao trabalho!! E ando com um mau humor desgraçado!!
Sinto-me aborrecida, mal humorada, insuportavel, má, enfadada.....parece que acordei com os pés de fora......
Para bem da minha sanidade mental e das pessoas todas que me rodeiam....vou ver este video até esta ira passar, ok?